Monday, September 30, 2013

Transfering files, assignments, modules, etc between classes you teach

I teach Honors Biology and Biology.  Much of the course content (Power points and assignments) is the same between the two courses.  I found a way to copy the content from one course to the other in Canvas so I don’t have to upload the files twice. Here is my version of a tutorial to help you if you need this feature. 

After uploading content into one course (Honors Biology)

Open the course you want to put content into (Biology)

Click on Settings in the lower left.

Click on Import Content into this course button in the right hand column.
In the drop down select Copy a Canvas Course.

Search for a course and select the course where the Content is coming from.  (Honors Biology) 
In the options section click the check box that says Select migration content.
Press Import button.

Then you can select the content you want.  Press the blue Select content button and use the check boxes for what you want to copy.  Whatever is checked will copy.

See example:  I use the Modules so if I copy the Module then all my assignments and or things I’ve loaded in the module will be copied.
Press the Select Content button.  Wait for it to turn blue and then go check your class.  It should all be there.

A few hints:  You do get the entire list of everything in your course.  So if you start at the bottom and check on the way up you don’t have to keep scrolling down.

If you use modules then click add the module and it will only upload what hasn’t been previously uploaded (all the assignments and files, etc).

If you don’t use modules then just click on the content you desire. (Assignments, files, etc and it will be uploaded.)

Let me know if you need help or have questions!  Cheers!!

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