Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Does your instruction cross the "Red Line"?

Even though I am no longer at RJ, my heart and spirit still reside there. At my new job, much like this blog, I am creating an Ed Tech Newsletter for the folks in my district.  I recently shared one of these newsletters with Jason and he asked if I would post it here for all you to read.  Of course I grasped at an opportunity to still be a part of the RJ community!  So here it is.

I know most of you are already aware, or at least have heard of the SAMR Model of instruction.  However, is your instruction crossing the "Red Line" into the realm of Modification and Redefinition?  This answer is not always clear and I suspect most of us are crossing the line, at least some of the time.  But the real question is, can you cross it most of the time?

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