Thursday, November 14, 2013

Some Notes from the JSEA Technology Conference in Washington, DC - Part 1

The JSEA Technology Conference has been enlightening, a time for many handling the concerns of technology and Jesuit education to collaborate.  Today, we started with a series of reflections and discussions setting the context of our current students (produced by Michele Williams):

Take a look at some of those statistics, and think, what will the future look like?  What will be obsolete in our classrooms by 2018, 2023?  How will this impact us as educators?  What world are our students in that we cannot begin to imagine yet we have to relate to, and educate within?

We also had a discussion on the role of technology and the reasons why, as Jesuit schools, we need to realize the overall educational shifts due to technology.  We had homework:

"Read, watch, or listen to one of the following:

Why School? How education must change when learning and information are everywhere, by Will Richardson [Kindle] [TED Talk]

Stop Stealing Dreams, by Seth Godin [Kindle] [TED Talk]

NMC Horizon Report: 2013 Higher Education [full report] [infographic summary]

What is the future of technology in education?, by Matt Britland [TheGuardian]"

These are great resources to generate conversations - I would only recommend adding in Sugata Mitra and his S.O.L.E. initiative [TED Talk 1] [TED Talk 2]

Please look at some of these great resources.  If I could force all of us to read one book, it would be Why School by Will Richardson.  It is very short but incredibly powerful in my own reflection as to why educate with technology.  Even more, it is a great treatise on the purpose of education today.  It is brilliant, in my mind.

I'll write more later, but wanted to send this update out for you all.

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