Friday, August 23, 2013

Importing files from Dropbox into Canvas on the iPad

Tim Bauer sent the following request: Is it possible to bring files into web-based Canvas from Dropbox on the iPad, bypassing the need for my laptop?  When I go to download a file into Canvas, it only gives me options for videos and photos, not files from an app.

Answer: Click here for the PDF tutorial.  For a quick video on how to do it, watch:

Review of Random Name Selector by Wallsall Academy

Random Name Selector is a free app by Walsall Academy that assists teachers with ensuring that all students have an opportunity to speak in class.  The teacher sets up classes as "groups" and enters student names in a list.  The teacher selects a group and presses "Play" and the app presents a "game screen."  With each question, the teacher presses a button and the app presents a new name to the teacher.  The list may be set to present each name once or three times.  The list may also be modified to temporarily remove absent students.

The app is free, but there are in-app ads.  New "game screens" may be purchased in-app, which also turns off the in-app ads.  It is easy to use.  The help is straightforward and the interface is simple.  Handy for teachers wanting to keep track of whom they have called. Four stars out of five.  Click here to download and install  the app.

App Reviews for Teachers

I've been asked where do I get my information and ideas about using iPad apps in the classroom.  I'll list here some of the best ones I use (including a new one from CommonSense Media) and hopefully they will give you some inspiration. Think of this list as where to go to get App Reviews that might be useful for your classroom in general, or your specific subject area:

3. Graphite (from CommonSense Media)

Finally, here is a great article entitled, A Practical Guide for Teachers Who Just Got iPads.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Canvas News - Export/Import Tutorial, the Brand New iPad App and Speed Grader on your iPad!

1. For your Canvas site, our refreshing rosters, the ongoing updates in the background, and the Sept. 1 date, I thought it best to show you how to backup your Canvas site.  To do this, I've created this PDF as a guide through the export process.  It will also get you through most of the import process (I grew tentative as I did not want it to override the content already on my site).  This will backup all your content, including assignments and quizzes, and allow you to upload/import it at any time.

2. Canvas released today their new iPhone app (not iPad - it works on the iPad, but it is not native to it so appears as if on an iPhone).  It is an incredible improvement over the previous version.  The problem is you need to go this iTunes link and it will download the app (as if it is a completely different app).  It will use the information from the old app (so you won't have to sign in again), but you will want to delete the old one after you've downloaded version 2.0.  Here are some photos of the icons so you know the difference:
Old version =   New version =     

3. If you want to use the Speed Grader feature from Instructure on your iPad, click here to download the iPad app (I do not know, as I just downloaded tonight version 2.0 of the Canvas app, if the updated app includes the Speed Grader features).

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcoming Parents (and Students) to Canvas

I just sent an email to all parents (pasted below) letting them know about the use of Canvas and how they can access it (they are not automatically given access to Canvas - you, the teacher, must grant it to them). Using the "both" feature in FAWeb, it was also sent to students as a way to help them navigate into the system. 

If you review the email, you will see several links. The one helping parents request access to the site is for my parents only, but if you would like me to create one for you, or show you how to create one for yourself, please let me know. I basically used GoogleForms and then as a url shortener to give them the link (with, when you shorten a link it will give you a "details" option which when selected will show you a generated QR code). I used the same technique to create the form embedded in the previous post on the Train the Trainer Skillblock - where you enter name, goal for course, etc. 

Email to parents:

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are having a blessed Sunday.  I want to send a quick email to both welcome students and parents to the Junior Sacramentality course. I hope the year is productive and positive.

I am also using this time to introduce you to Canvas. Canvas is where all announcements, assignments, quizzes, the syllabus, etc., will be posted. To access Canvas, login through the normal student login on the Regis Jesuit website. You will see a tab on the left where you see RaiderNet and it will be titled, "Canvas" (students: your user name is your Regis Jesuit user name - what precedes the @ in your RJ email address - and your password should be the same as what you use to access RaiderNet unless you have set them as separate passwords).

For parents, if you would like to "Observe" the course (and not simply log in as your student), copy and paste (or click) this link to request access to the course:

In case you need an overview or help with Canvas, here are a few resources:

1. Canvas Student Quickstart Guide:

2. Full list of Canvas Guides:

Thank you,
Jason Beyer, M.A.
Faculty, Theology Department
Education Technologist